The Day Of Political “Gamesmanship” Is Over – Tinubu Declares, Says Character, Competence To Determine His Cabinet Members

The Day Of Political “Gamesmanship” Is Over – Tinubu Declares, Says Character, Competence To Determine His Cabinet Members

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Nigeria’s President-elect, has stated that members of his cabinet would be determined by character and competence.

He pointed out that the day of “gamesmanship” was over, and the whims of party politics would be given a backseat.

The President-elect assured that youths and women would make it to prominent positions in his government irrespective of religion.

The former Governor of Lagos State assured that Nigeria’s security and prosperity would be prioritized in his administration.

He made this known in a press statement signed by him and made available to journalists on Thursday.

The APC presidential candidate who was declared winner of the 2023 presidential election held on 25 February, amidst controversies, assured the people of Nigeria of greater food security, double-digit growth in Gross Domestic Product, digital economy for young population to thrive and strengthened manufacturing.

According to him: ”As your incoming president, I accept the task before me. There has been talk of a government of national unity. My aim is higher than that. I seek a government of national competence. In selecting my government, I shall not be weighed down by considerations extraneous to abiilty and performance.

“The day for political gamesmanship is long gone. I shall assemble competent men and women and young people from across Nigeria to build a safer, more prosperous and just Nigeria. There shall be young people. Women shall be prominent. Whether your faith leads you to pray in a church or mosque will not determine your place in government. Character and competence will.

“To secure our nation and to make it prosperous must be our top priorities. We cannot sacrifice these goals for political expediencies. The whims of politics must take a backseat to the imperatives of governance.

“We have bridges and roads to build not just for commerce and travel but to connect people of different faiths, parties and different outlooks in harmonious dialogue and common purpose. We have families to feed not just to eliminate hunger but to nurture enlightenment, civic responsibility and compassion. We have jobs to create not merely to put people to work but to afford a better standard of living by which families and communities are improved and democracy deepened. We have water to replenish not just to quench physical thirst but to ignite a thirst for creative and better solutions to society’s challenges.

“We have a nation to protect such that we eliminate danger and even the fear of danger. May all of our people be able to live their lives in the light of peace and the glow of broadening prosperity.”

He reiterated his determination to run an “economy of double-digit GDP growth, greater food security and one with a strengthened manufacturing base as well as an active digital economy where young people will have ample space to fulfill their dreams and aspirations.

“I realize that I am the servant of a larger purpose. As such, I have gone straight to work. My team and I have been daily engaged in discussions and meetings refining our ideas and policy solutions so that we can begin actively working toward the common good the very first day we assume office. This great project called Nigeria beckons to us all.”

Giving hope to other political parties, the APC National leader promised to head a federal administration that would give a sense of belonging to every Nigerian, in spite of political affiliation

“This great project called Nigeria beckons to us all. I ask that we work together as Nigerians for Nigeria. Those who voted for me, I ask that you continue to believe in our policies and plans for the country. I also ask that you reach out to your brothers and sisters who did not vote as you did. Extend to them the hand of friendship, reconciliation and togetherness.

“To those of you who did not vote for me, I ask you to believe in Nigeria and in the capacity of your fellow citizens, even those who voted differently than you. The better Nigeria I seek is not just for me and my supporters. It is equally yours.

“I do not ask you to abandon your political preferences. That would be undemocratic. I do beseech you to answer the call of patriotic duty as the loyal opposition.

“Remain loyal to the cause of a greater, more tolerant and just Nigeria. I too shall keep faith with this objective.”