Sultan Of Sokoto Sends Strong Message To IPOB, Others, Insists Nigeria Needs Prayers Not Division

Sultan Of Sokoto Sends Strong Message To IPOB, Others, Insists Nigeria Needs Prayers Not Division

The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), led by President-General Sultan Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, recently emphasized the urgent need for positive changes to renew citizens’ hopes. At an event marking the 17th Emir of Lafia’s fifth anniversary, the Sultan stressed the importance of national unity, urging Nigerians to prioritize the country’s indivisibility. He cautioned against secession as a solution to insecurity, emphasizing the need for continued prayers for leaders’ success.

“We know that our leaders are trying, but the people are in a hurry to see positive changes that will renew their hopes for a better life,” said Sultan Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, highlighting the citizens’ eagerness for progress.

The Sultan also called for a swift action to address economic and security challenges. “Every country has issues, and secession is not a solution to our state of insecurity,” he added.

Notable figures including the Shehu of Borno echoed the call for cooperation in tackling criminal activities. “When we keep quiet about the activities of criminals in our areas, we are inviting problems,” noted Ibn Umar-Garbai, Shehu of Borno, emphasizing the importance of citizen involvement in addressing security threats.

The event showcased a united front among traditional rulers and dignitaries from across Nigeria, underlining the collective effort towards a better nation.