“This Is Concocted Falsehood” IPOB Responds To “10 Deadliest” Terror Group Tag By IEP

“This Is Concocted Falsehood” IPOB Responds To “10 Deadliest” Terror Group Tag By IEP

The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has kicked against the recent report by the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Global Terrorism Index which ranked the group as the 10th world’s deadliest terror group in 2022.

The group dismissed the report as a concocted falsehood, adding that the 448 figure that was stated to be the total number of terrorism related death in Nigeria in 2022 was a contradiction to reality.

IPOB pointed out that in Benue state alone, the total number of death caused by attacks by Fulani terrorists was more than the figure.

In a press release by Emma Powerful, IPOB’s Publicity Secretary, the group reiterated that it remained a peaceful organization determined to restoring the State of Biafra via a United Nation’s supervised referendum.

The freedom fighting organization stated that it would not be distracted in its pursuit for Biafra’s freedom by sponsored propaganda and blackmail.

IPOB further noted that Nigerian government had sponsored all sorts of armed organizations who were carrying out violent attacks in the South East to frame IPOB.

The secessionist group expressed disappointment over the report by a respected global body such as IEP, advising the government of the United States to desist from joining forces with oppressors to oppress the global citizens.

According to the group: “In the IEP’s Terrorism Index Report of 2022, the current Federal Government was cleverly portrayed as having improved in counter-terrorism while in reality the terrorists have become more emboldened during the period.

“According to the report, the total dead due to terrorism in Nigeria for 2022 is 448, which in the lowest level since 2011. This is concocted falsehood. In one state such as Benue alone the Fulani sponsored terrorists have killed more than 400 civilians. The report, as it relates to Nigeria, showed a full script from Nigeria Government handed over to the institute for publication.

IPOB challenged the IEP to make available convincing evidence where the group murdered anybody in Nigeria

“In the same report, IPOB was mentioned as the third most violent group that has caused civilian deaths. We challenge IEP to present irrefutable evidence where IPOB killed any person in Nigeria. On the contrary, there are many verifiable evidences, both in print and social media, on the massacre and extrajudicial killings of many IPOB members by Nigeria security agencies since 2017.

“We are here to tell our own stories to the world with facts and figures. We advise the US government to stand as a global human rights defenders to defend the right of every world citizen and not join the oppressors to abuse the rights and privileges of ordinary citizens.”

“Irrespective of all these illegal arrest, detention, torture, extrajudicial killings including extraordinary rendition of our leader, IPOB have remained peaceful in the face of all these high levels of provocation. Nigeria Government is pushing the narrative that IPOB is the aggressors but in the reality we are the victims of oppressive Government.

“As evil and wicked as the Federal Government of Nigeria and in their desperation to blackmail peaceful IPOB struggle, they have sponsored armed groups claiming to be IPOB who were paid to commit all manner of crimes in the Eastern Region so as to shop evidences to blackmail IPOB.

“We have in several press releases distance ourselves from those criminals being led by agent provocateur in Finland. Their actions and inactions has nothing to do with IPOB nor Mazi Nnamdi KANU. Some gullible IPOB’s members who joined them were dismissed from the movement