Blasphemy: Stop Jungle Justice – Islamic Group Cautions Usman Killers In Sokoto

Blasphemy: Stop Jungle Justice – Islamic Group Cautions Usman Killers In Sokoto

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has expressed its strong condemnation following the tragic murder of Usman Buda, a local butcher in Gwandu Local Government Area. The incident occurred when a mob, fueled by allegations of blasphemy against the Holy Prophet, lynched Buda in an act of vigilantism.

MURIC, a prominent Islamic group, has called on the Muslim Ummah to refrain from taking the law into their own hands in such cases. In a statement released by Muhammad Mansur Aliyu Esq, the Chairman of MURIC Sokoto branch, the organization emphasized that Islam vehemently opposes jungle justice, as it leads to the loss of innocent lives and the destruction of property.

The group clarified, “While Islamic law does prescribe a death sentence for individuals who insult, defame, or bring disrepute to the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him), it does not permit private individuals to carry out the execution, as seen in the case of Usman Buda.”

MURIC urges Muslims to adhere to the principles of justice and allow the legal system to take its course whenever allegations of blasphemy arise. The organization firmly denounced the murder of Usman Buda and called for a peaceful resolution through the appropriate judicial channels.

The statement further emphasized, “Islam does not grant individuals the authority to act as judge, jury, and executioner. Only the courts, be they Shariah or common law courts, possess the power to convict offenders and administer justice through a fair trial. Numerous Qur’anic verses, such as Qur’an 4:65, 6:57, 12:40, and 43:10, support this position.”

In conclusion, MURIC stands united in its condemnation of the killing of Usman Buda and urges Muslims to reject the path of jungle justice. The organization advocates for the rule of law to prevail, as it safeguards justice and ensures the protection of innocent lives. May the peace and blessings of Allah continue to envelop the noble prophet Muhammad (SAW)