3 Palestinian Gunmen Killed By Israeli Defence Forces

3 Palestinian Gunmen Killed By Israeli Defence Forces

The Israeli Defence Forces, IDF, has neutralized three Palestinian Gunmen after a gun battle which occurred close to the Jit junction West of Nablus.

The forces who were members of the Golani reconnaissance unit carried out the charge against the gunmen.

The killing happened just a few distance from the settlement of the Israelis, with regional Samarian heads hailing the soldiers for the action.

The perennial conflict at the West bank ( a territory belonging to the Palestinians but occupied by the Israelis) escalated following the return of Benjamin Netanyahu, the current Prime Minister of Israel, to power recently.

Netanyahu’s administration has assured that it would keep expanding the settlement of Israel at the West Banks, a declaration which unsettled the Palestinians.

About three young men were similarly reported wounded at an attack by the Palestinian Islamist Movement Hamas on Thursday.

The conflict between the Palastines and the Israelis has continued for a very long time, defying measures adopted by the international community to restore peace in the region.