Student Takes Own Life After Losing School Fees To Betting

Student Takes Own Life After Losing School Fees To Betting

The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro in Ogun State Nigeria was recently struck by a tragic incident involving Samuel Adekoya, a student who sadly ended his own life. Reports indicate that Adekoya resorted to such extreme measures after losing both his and his friend’s fees in an online betting episode.

Samuel Adekoya, a National Diploma II student majoring in Electrical Electronic Engineering, reportedly succumbed to despair and took his own life just as his fellow students were preparing for their first-semester exams. It is disheartening to note that Adekoya not only used his own school fees but also swindled his roommate by accessing their account and gambling with his friend’s funds, resulting in further losses.

The Federal Polytechnic had issued a clear warning that students must complete their registration to be eligible for exams. Failure to do so would lead to disqualification. Despite this, Adekoya’s desperate actions overshadowed the importance of proper registration and plunged him into an abyss of despair.

Following his tragic decision, Adekoya was immediately rushed to the school clinic for urgent medical attention. However, due to the severity of his condition, he was transferred to a specialized hospital located in Ilaro. Despite the efforts to save him, Adekoya’s life could not be spared, and he was pronounced dead shortly after admission.

Sola Abiala, the Deputy Registrar and Public Relations Officer of the institution, confirmed the devastating incident. Abiala expressed profound sorrow, revealing that Adekoya’s passing occurred just as the exams were about to commence. Further investigations conducted at the specialized hospital revealed that the late student had ingested a chemical substance, leading to his tragic demise