One Year After Deborah Samuel’s Cruel Lynching

One Year After Deborah Samuel’s Cruel Lynching

Today May 12th, 2023, marks one year of cruel murder of Deborah Samuel, a 19 year old student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, who was lynched for blasphemy in May 12, 2022.

The tragic incident sent shockwaves through Nigeria and the world, highlighting the dangers of religious extremism and intolerance.

Deborah was a 19-year-old Christian student who was brutally beaten to death by a mob after being accused of insulting Prophet Muhammad during an online chat with some fellow Muslim students.

The incident sparked outrage and condemnation worldwide, with many questioning the state of freedom of expression and religious tolerance in Nigeria.

Unfortunately, little has been done to bring Deborah’s killers to justice, with the Nigerian authorities criticized for their lack of action in investigating and prosecuting the perpetrators of this heinous crime. This has led some to accuse the government of complicity in the lynching.

Blasphemy has been a contentious issue in Nigeria, with the country divided along religious lines, and accusations of blasphemy often used as a tool to incite violence and hatred. The Nigerian government has faced criticisms for its handling of the issue, with many calling for an action to curtail the growing cases of blasphemy-related killings in the country, arguing that such practice is outdated and have no place in a modern, democratic society.

Deborah’s death has highlighted the need for greater respect for freedom of expression and religious tolerance in Nigeria. Many have called for more education and dialogue between the different religious communities in Nigeria, in order to promote understanding and tolerance.

As we mark the one year anniversary of Deborah’s lynching, it is important to remember her and to continue to call for justice for her and for all victims of religious extremism and intolerance. The world must continue to work towards creating a more peaceful and tolerant society, where all individuals are free to express themselves with confidence.

Deborah Samuel’s lynching for blasphemy in Sokoto, Nigeria was a tragic and senseless act of violence. It highlighted the need for greater respect for freedom of expression and religious tolerance, and for the authorities to take action to protect the rights of all citizens. As we continue to remember Deborah, we must work towards creating a world where individuals can express themselves freely, without fear of violence or persecution